Rey’s lighthearted wordless story, Zebrology, was published in 9 panels and explains how the Zebra got its stripes.

Hans Augusto Reyersbach (September 16, 1898 – August 26, 1977) was a German-born American illustrator and author, known best for Curious George, a series of children’s books he created with his wife, Margret Rey.
Rey and his wife were German Jews who fled France in 1940 eventually making their way to New York.
- Date: first published 1937
- Publisher: Chatto and Windus.
- String binding
- The cartoon story of ‘Zebrology’ is told in 9 line drawings that have been coloured in.
- Zebrology had been published as a small standalone booklet in 1937. It was reputedly reproduced in the quarterly magazine, Courier, in 1938. Rey regularly contributed cartoon type works in the early issues of Courier.
- This story purports to explain how Zebras were the result of a romance between a white horse and a black horse – Warning – this may not be scientifically accurate.
- Numerous editions at least until 1953