This unique copy of Szuts’ wordless novel, My War, is believed to be a proof copy owned by H. Arnold, an employee of the publisher, John Lane The Bodley Head. Company records indicate he was age 16 when he signed this copy.
This copy has page numbering in pencil and not printed like the book.

The “£35” and “Proof” were presumably added by a book
dealer at some later date.
- This copy is bound with 204 images; no title page or index
- The images are of identical size to the book and done with the same process BUT was printed without image numbers ie numbers must have been added to the plate later or the plates were redone with numbers added for the publication.
- Below each image (up to image 200) has a title in pencil. In the published book the titles with image number are listed in the back.
- The 1931 publication has 206 images (everything this proof copy has plus two more). Also Proof image 204, is 205 in the publication.
- front cover has pencilled title, spine with printed label stuck on

The spine label is worn with portions missing but the best guess is
that it reads, “My War ?204? Illustrations reproduced in facsimile.
With an introduction by R. H. Mottram ?????? C?? 15s.”