drawn by Art Young 1916
for The Massess,
a satirical magazine
H. Glintenkamp’s, A Wanderer In Woodcuts, with 126 reproduced woodcuts is not a wordless novel as each image has a lengthy written description on the opposing page. In addition there is no story arc except to the extent it can be argued it documents the path of Glintenkamp’s trip.
Hendrik (Henry) J. Glintenkamp (American, Augusta, New Jersey 1887–1946 New York)
- Title: A Wanderer In Woodcuts
- Author and Illustrator: H. Glintenkamp
- Introduction:
- Date of publication: 1932
- Publisher: Farrar & Rinehart
- Place of publication: New York
- Printer: Quinn & Boden Company Inc, Rahway, N. J.
- Copyright: Artist?
- Dimensions: 23 cm.
- Dust jacket: Yes
- slipcase: doubtful
- Binding: hardcover
- Boards: 1/4 off white/beige cloth spine over brown cloth boards.
- Language: English titles, descriptions, etc
- Paginated: introduction in Roman numerals and each description facing the illustration is numbered
- Printed: verso and recto
- Endpapers: are a map illustrating the route Glintenkamp took.
- Edition: Trade only?
- References:
- Description:
- uncut fore edges.
- 126 woodcuts illustrate this volume that covers the author’s travels to ten countries in Scandinavia and western Europe.
- images printed on the obverse of each leaf and facing a brief paragraph of descriptive text on the reverse of the preceding leaf.

A Wanderer In Woodcuts.
Image credit: Moe’s Books

A Wanderer In Woodcuts

A Wanderer In Woodcuts

A Wanderer In Woodcuts

A Wanderer In Woodcuts.
Image credit: MLM Books

A Wanderer In Woodcuts

a description on the verso.
Image credit: McBlaine Books