Hans Alexander Müller’s (later Mueller) wordless publication of 1929, Das Logbuch, has a poetic introduction but the images don’t tell a story. There is no linear quality – just a series of unrelated entries in a theoretical sailor’s log book.

David Beronä in the Author’s Note to his book Wordless Books: The Original Graphic Novels referred to Das Logbuch as an anomaly. I agree with David. Das Logbuch illustrates the story of a sailor’s logbook (as the title implies).
- It is a stretch to say this is a story/novel.
- The artist’s intro is a poetic description of the artist’s feeling about sailboats and the sea. The images do not follow a comprehensible story-line ie with a beginning/middle/end nor do they directly relate to anything concrete in the intro.
- If the pages were scrambled it would make no difference to the appreciation of the book.
- The use of “log book” may be helpful in the sense that a sailor can jot entries into a log book but the series of entries do not have to have anything connecting the individual entries.

Hans Alexander Müller (1888 – 1962) after immigrating to the USA changed the spelling of his last name to Mueller.
Mueller was a notable illustrator of the 20th century, known for his woodcuts and wood engravings. He emigrated to the States from Germany in the late 1930s, where he advanced his career as a freelance artist, illustrating many books, periodicals, signs and more. When Lynd Ward was studying in Europe Ward took lessons from Mueller on the art of wood engraving.
- Title: Das Logbuch: ein Buch in Holzstichen (The Log Book: a book in wood engravings)
- Author and Illustrator: Hans Alexander Müller
- Introduction: Hans Alexander Müller
- Date of publication: 1929
- Publisher: Insel – Verlag
- Place of publication: Leipzig
- Printer: Text printed by Poeschel & Trepte – The woodcuts were printed by the artist himself on the handpress of the ‘Staatliche Akademie für graphische Künste und Kunstgewerbe’.
- Copyright: Artist?
- Dimensions: 22.5 x 16.5 cm
- slipcase: ?
- Binding: stitched
- Language: German titles, etc
- Paginated: unpaginated
- Printed: verso and recto, pages are a French fold
- Edition: limited; printed on thin paper in 200 numbered copies and signed by the artist
- Printed from the original wood blocks.
- References:
- Description: Wrappers in Japanese style. Green wrappers with overlapping cream paper with block book stitching. 8 pp. (4 pp. ‘Introduction’), 16 double leaves with 31 woodcuts, 2 pp. (‘Colophon’).

The woodcuts were hand-printed by the artist himself,
the text was printed by Poeſchel & Trepte in Leipzig.
This is number …….