Rey’s lighthearted wordless story, Zebrology, was published in 9 panels and explains how the Zebra got its stripes – Warning – this may not be scientifically accurate.

H. A. Rey

Hans Augusto Reyersbach (September 16, 1898 – August 26, 1977) was a German-born American illustrator and author, known best for the Curious George series of children’s books he created with his wife, Margret Rey.

Rey and his wife were German Jews who fled France in 1940 eventually making their way to New York.


  • Date: first published 1937
  • Publisher: Chatto and Windus (London).
  • 23×18 cm
  • Red string binding with punched three holes;
  • The cartoon story of ‘Zebrology’ is told in 9 line drawings that have been coloured in.
  • Zebrology had been published as a small standalone booklet in 1937. It was reputedly reproduced in the quarterly magazine, Courier, in 1938. Rey regularly contributed cartoon type works to the early issues of Courier.
  • This story purports to explain how Zebras were the result of a romance between a white horse and a black horse – Warning – this may not be scientifically accurate.
  • There are at least 4 impressions with the 4th being claimed as circa 1954 – the basis for the late date is not clear.
1937 1st impression but this front cover appears to have been
used on all printings of the book.
Image credit: Rooke Books
Back cover of 1937 1st impression.
Image credit: Rooke Books


2nd impression – image needed. If you have a copy of the 2nd impression, please send me an image of the back cover and I will give you a photo credit.

3rd Impression (I will be posting a clearer image shortly)

Photo is blurry but it reads, “Third Impression”.

4th Impression

There are claims the 4th impression is c. 1954 but the basis for stating this is unclear.

Fourth Impression

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