Helena Bochořáková is regarded as the first female artist to create a wordless novel (Z Mého Dětství, in 1929). Links to her five novels are below.
Helena Bochořáková-Dittrichová, aka Heleny Bochořákové (1894-1980)

Helena Bochořáková-Dittrichová – born July 31, 1984 in Vyškov, Moravia and died on March 28, 1980 in Brno, Czechoslovakia.
The following are links to her wordless novels:
- 1929 Z Mého Dětství “From My Childhood”
- 1930 Enfance, the French version
- 1931 Childhood, the English version
- 1930 Malířka Na Cestách “The Painter on the Road” unpublished
- 1934 Indiáni Jindy a Dnes “Indians Then and Now”
- 1936 Švédové Před Brnem “The Swedes Besiege Brno”
- 1944 Kristus “Christ” – this is a series of images but the images lack a narrative and therefore it is not a wordless novel. It can be seen here under the Anomalies tab