Nückel’s wordless novel, Schicksal, was republished in English as Destiny in 1930 with separate publications in New York and the UK having different coloured dust jackets.
- Title: Destiny- A Novel In Pictures
- Author and Illustrator: Otto Nückel
- Date: 1930
- Dust jacket: Yes
- slipcase: nothing to indicate it came with a slipcase
- Binding: hard cover
- Cover: full cloth
- Language: English titles, etc
- Paginated: unpaginated
- Printed: recto
- Edition: Trade only, not limited
- Presumably it was not printed from the lead cuts – they would have at least been steel faced
- End papers: both the NY and UK editions have black end papers/paste down.
New York – black/red dust jacket; red cloth boards

- Publisher: Farrar & Rinehart
- Place of publication: New York
- Printer: ?
- Copyright: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc.
- Size: 20.3H x 18W x 3 cm (8H x 7 1/8W x 1 1/8 inches)

London Blue/Yellow Dust Jacket

- Publisher: Albert E. Marriott, ltd.
- Place of publication: London
- Printer: ?
- Copyright page states “Copyright, 1930, by Farrar & Rhinehart Inc. Printed in the United States of America. All Rights Reserved”
- Size: same as the NY edition
- Release price: 8/6 net

Sample Pages printed recto