Patri’s wordless novel, White Collar, printed in an edition of 1000 copies with a lower price of $1.25, was able to reach a wider audience than the two earlier editions at $5.00 each.
- unpaginated; 128 unnumbered leaves
- Introduction by Rockwell Kent dated October 29, 1940
- epilogue is a quotation from John L Lewis
- Contains 122 plates of linocuts preceded by 4 leaves with text:
- on 1st: “White collar,”
- on 2nd: “Novel in linocuts by Giacomo Patri,”
- on 3rd: dedication,
- on 4th: Introduction.
- illustrations followed by 2 leaves with text:
- on 1st: quote from John L. Lewis,
- on 2nd: name and place of printer.
- Has DJ
- Book is noticeably larger than the 2nd edition (27cm H x 21cm W) vs (26.2cm H x 19cm W)
- Published by Pisani Printing & Publishing 700 Montgomery SF
- this version has a stapled binding – you can see the outline of the staples on the cover, close to the spine. Also see binding discussion at http://wordlessnovels.com/white-collar-bindings/
- not signed or numbered
- used orange to reflect the protagonist’s psychological conflict
- Doubt if it was printed from the blocks.
- Lacks the pages saying, “SECOND EDITION” and “A HOME MADE BOOK”

of the DJ preferably with front and back

Dedication page has different wording from the earlier editions i.e. “TO THE MAN WHO TOLD ME THIS STORY AND TO THE GREAT PROGRESSIVE LABOR MOVEMENT”

For a discussion of removing the John Lewis epilogue see blog on Lewis Epilogue click here.