Roger Buck’s wordless novel, Biraka, was self-published in 1934 and printed from the original wood engraving blocks.
Library of Congress Number: 1100477479. LOC Notes: in a slip case
- “Handprinted by the artist from the original woodblocks.”
- “Limited edition to 100 copies.” Autographed.
- 4 leaves, 67 pages of plates: illustrations; 26 cm.
- Introduction by Dorothy Wilcock.
- “Edition deluxe limited to 100 copies. . .”
- “Handprinted by the artist from the original woodblocks
- © March 27, 1934, New York, 1934

EXCERPT Exhibition and Media Reviews; Edited by Michael Rhode; Published in IJOCA, Spring 2012
Nick Thorkelson review of Berona shows: Lebanon, New Hampshire AVA Gallery Sep 9 to Oct 7, 20111 and Plymouth State Univ oct 14 – Dec 16, 2011
The novels in wood by the artist Roger Buck (1901-1970) were not commercially published in his lifetime. By the time he finished his first one (My Diary, 1934), the vogue associated with Gods’ Man had passed. A second effort, Biraka, was self-published in 1934. This show featured prints from both works as well as a book illustration.
The prints from Biraka are more elaborate and melodramatic. The medium is wood engraving and the debt to Lynd Ward is clear, but unlike Ward, Buck goes in for wild dream images and a spirit of satisfyingly messy improvisation. The Christian imagery — crucifixes, praying hands, tempting devils — also differentiate these prints from Ward’s.