Roger Buck was a woodcut artist who produced the wordless novels set out below.

Image from Christmas Greetings: Block Prints by Roger Buck edited by Brian Corbley
- Roger A. Buck
- 1901 born in Paris (however, one site gives Hamburg, Germany as place of birth)
- After attending the major Academies, he travelled throughout western and central Europe including Germany, France, Holland, Switzerland and Spain.
- 1924 through June of 1929 he resided in Barcelona, creating locally inspired woodcuts during his stay
- August 1928 – he participated in the Exposicio D’Art with eight woodcut entries.
- June 1929 – emigrated to New York City, where he lived for the rest of his life.
- The trip was documented in a wordless novella of 19 woodcuts entitled, My Diary – From Spain to Fifth Avenue.
- mid-1930s employed in at Artcraft Lithographers, NY City
- 1932 – cut blocks for Ich und Du (Me and You). This does not seem to have been published.
- 1934 – Self-published Adahom New York; a copy of which is in the Library of Congress
- 1934 – Self-published Biraka New York; a copy of which is in the Library of Congress
- 1934 – Biraka was exhibited in Montrose Gallery, NY
- Link to proof copy of Biraka
- married Marie (nee Noullet???) date ???
- only child, Renée