Paul F. Svenningsen’s wordless book, Little Nuisance, isn’t a story. It consists of images illustrating situations familiar to many people. It’s the trial and tribulations of new parents dealing with a toddler. I have arbitrarily decided to keep this with Little Stranger rather then putting it under the Anomalies tab.

- Title: Little Nuisance
- Author and Illustrator: Paul F. Svenningsen
- Year: 1952
- ISBN: not applicable
- Publisher: Putnam & Company Ltd.
- Place of publication: 42 Great Russell Street, London, WC1.
- Printer: Chas. Pearson & Son Ltd
- Copyright: Svenningsen?
- Size: octavo
- Dust jacket: designed by the author
- Binding: hard cover, thin boards
- Cover: Paper-covered pictorial boards, same as DJ
- Language: English titles, etc
- Paginated: unpaginated
- Printed: verso and recto
- Edition: trade only, not limited?
- Edition size: as per the back flap of the 1969 edition of Svenningsen’s Little Angel, 30,000 copies of Little Nuisance had been printed to date.