John Delano’s wordless novel, Ski Daddle, is a series of mostly humorous, color accented drawings of a man deciding whether to take up skiing.
If you have any biographic information about this author, please advise
Most wordless novels, especially those pre-1960, deal with social realism and rather grim themes. This story lacks the gravitas often associated with wordless novels and some would question the appropriateness of including it here. If it is wordless and has a story arc, my inclination is to include anything that comes within the strict definition of a wordless story, lighthearted or not – as in this case.
Ski Daddle
NOTE: All the covers of the copies I have viewed tended to be quite toned – presumably the card used for the cover is acidic.
- Publisher: Hale, Cushman & Flint
- Copyright: Hale, Cushman & Flint Inc.
- 1941.
- 9 1/8” Tall x 7 3/8” x 3/8”
- Stiff softcover with metal spiral binding
- Printed recto, blank verso on heavy stock.
- Unpaginated
- 1 preliminary leaf, 47 color plates 23 cm
- illustrations in black, white, blue, and sometimes green
- Last page “Litho in U.S.A. John Worley Co., Boston”