The publication by Kurt Wolff Verlag of the wordless novel, Die Passion eines Menschen (especially these Trade editions) was instrumental in bringing Masereel to the attention of the general public.
- Title: Dies Passion Eines Menschen 25 Holzschnitte
- Author and Illustrator: Frans Masereel
- Introduction: No
- Date of publication: 1924
- Publisher: Kurt Wolff
- Place of publication: Munich
- Printer: Spamer printing shop
- Copyright: Artist?
- Dimensions: 19.5cm ( 7″ 3/4″ ) wide by 22.5cm ( 8″ 3/4″ ) high.
- Dust jacket: Yes
- Binding: hard cover
- Cover: paper covered; Writing on cover is embossed?
- Language: German titles, etc
- Paginated: unpaginated
- Printed: recto
- Edition: Trade
- References: Gablentz 3 I b; Knight p. 116.
- Description:
1924 Wolff Trade
5000 copies were printed for the 1924 edition.

image – Daniel Thierstein

image – Daniel Thierstein
1927 Wolff Trade
Roger Avermaete, in his authoritative catalogue raisonné for Masereel notes the 1924 and 1928 Wolff editions but overlooked the 1927 edition.
The details are the same as for 1924?
Does anyone have information as to how many copies were printed?

Image credit: Rokke Rare Books
1928 Wolff Trade
The details are the same as for 1924 but the dust jacket has different advertisement on the back

Does anyone have information as to how many copies were printed?