NOTE: based on recent information I have come across this page will have to be rewritten and enlarged.

On the face of it, Zebrology appears to be a lighthearted wordless story suggesting Zebras were a result of cross-breeding between a white horse and a black horse.

Title: Zebrology
Author: H. A. Rey
Illustrator: Hans Augusto Reyersbach later known as H. A. Rey
Date of publication: 1937
ISBN: not applicable
Publisher: Chatto & Windus
Place of publication: London
Printer: W. S. Cowell, Ltd: Ipswich
Copyright: Chatto & Windus
Dimensions: 23×18 cm
Dust jacket: No
slipcase: none
Binding: red string; three hole punched
Boards: paper covered
Language: English titles, etc
Paginated: unpaginated
Printed: verso and recto
Edition: Trade only
Printed: Rey did watercolours and the were reproduced in colour half-tone
Description: was published in 8 panels; This story purports to explain how Zebras were the result of a romance between a white horse and a black horse – Warning – this may not be scientifically accurate.

Publications (details below):

  • Chatto & Windus did at least 4 printings starting 1937; colour images
  • The Courier Magazine 1938 reprinted the story
  • Das Blatt der Hausfrau 1939 reprinted the story in balck and white images

Chatto & Windus

1937 1st impression – this front cover appears to have been
used on all printings of the book.
Image credit: Rooke Books
Back cover of 1937 1st impression.
Image credit: Rooke Books
White mare with black stallion in background

3rd impression

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