Paul F. Svenningsen has 5 wordless books published but only one (Little Stranger) is a wordless novel with an actual story arc.
I have no biographical information for this artist except the front flap of his 1953 book, Anglers Angle, which states he is Danish (all 5 of his wordless books were published in the UK). Any information you can supply would be appreciated.
1951 Little Stranger – is a light hearted, wordless story. It lacks the gravitas of most wordless stories but it still qualifies as it it wordless and has a story arc.
1952 Little Nuisance – is wordless, but not really a story – just a collection images but I decided to keep these together rather than put this title under the “Anomalies” tab.
List of Svenningsen wordless books:
- 1951 Little Stranger
- 1952 Little Nuisance
- 1953 Anglers Angle – front flap said Svenningsen is a young Danish artist
- 1954 Snooze A Book to Sleep Over
- 1961 Little Angel