Image credit: Penn State
Lynd Ward produced 6 wordless novels between 1929 and 1937 plus an unfinished one that was published posthumously. He also illustrated and produced numerous books on his own and in collaboration wife his wife, May Mcneer.
Lynd Kendall Ward (June 26, 1905 – June 28, 1985)
Wikipedia has extensive notes analyzing each of the wordless novels below but these links are for the benefit of book collectors with the different volumes and their editions:
Gods’ Man (1929)
Madman’s Drum (1930)
Wild Pilgrimage (1932)
Prelude to a Million Years (1933)
Song Without Words (1936)
Vertigo (1937)
Last Unfinished Wordless Novel (2001)
Promotional Self-portrait

and sent to you with the compliments of his publishers”
Jonathan Cape and Harrison Smith, New York City
It is not clear when, who, or why certain people received this self-portrait ie there were only 100 copies of the self-portrait but the limited edition was published with 409 copies.